Faithful to providing a space for all who desire to come, be with our people, and worship God, we Have Launched our second service!
In between each service we have an intentional time for people who attend different services to still build community and friendships. So come a bit early or stay a bit late to talk to old friends and meet new friends.
There is plenty of space for you to invite and bring your friend to come worship God WITH you!
We believe the life we are looking for is found in knowing, loving, and trusting Jesus, and then in giving our lives away for the glory of God and good of others.
Latest MessaGe
Romans 3:27-31 Resistant to Change | Cory Johnson
When we’ve believed something our entire lives, it’s difficult to just change what we believe. Can it really be that what makes me right with God has nothing to do with what I do, but wholly on what Jesus has done? Yes. Yes and amen! Our justification is wholly made possible by Jesus alone.